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EasyReports helps you track all manufacturing related process based on key dimensions like Downtime, Operator, Shift etc. Track efficiency of Operator or machine based on KPIs like production per hour, wastage % ,Uptime etc.

Production Analysis

Production Analysis

Keep a track on production by different dimensions to ensure proper process are being followed.

  • Daily, weekly, monthly production analysis
  • Analysis in alternate unit
  • Per hour production of finished goods
Downtime Analysis

Downtime Analysis

Downtime during working hours results in expenses to the business. Keep a track on them to take required actions and prevent losses.

  • Analysis downtime by different reason
  • Get top reason for downtime.
  • Downtime by machine, shift, and operator
Machine Efficiency

Machine Efficiency

Inefficient machines result in less production output which can negatively impact the business.

  • Production per hour analysis
  • Production vs scrap analysis
  • Machine expense analysis
Operator Efficiency

Operator Efficiency

Train your inefficient operators to ensure better production output and machine health.

  • Per hour production
  • Production vs scrap analysis
  • Per hour cost as per working hours
Production BOM vs Actual

Production BOM vs Actual

BOMs are set to ensure the goods produced are of best quality. Track the deviation to ensure the quality is not compromised.

  • Item wise Standard vs Actual consumption
  • Highlights item with consumption more than standard
  • Analyse daily, weekly, monthly.
FG and SFG costing

FG and SFG costing

Understand the current cost of production to decide on the selling price of the product.

  • Costing as per last purchase price of raw materials
  • FG costing as per costing of SFG