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EasyReports helps to generate formatted Financial Statement with top sheets and schedules showing ledger level details in spreadsheet or pdf. User is provided with an option to maintain budget at ledger or ledger cost centre level to generate budget vs actual report

Formatted Financial Statements in Spreadsheet

Financial Statements

Generate formatted financial statements in spreadsheet or pdf format.

  • Formatted Financial Statements – PDF or Excel
  • Auto Mapping of 80-90 % of the ledgers to reporting heads based on pre-defined rules.
  • Mapping at ledger level or group level
  • Maintain entity wise mapping or Entity group wise mapping.
  • Conversion of Foreign Currency accounts to domestic currency and vice versa using exchange rate
  • Trends of various financial ratios
Budget Analysis

Budget Analysis

Budget are set to ensure proper functioning of the organization. Ensure that expenses are under the defined budget.

  • Easy to use utility to maintain budget data. Option to upload monthly or quarterly or yearly.
  • Variation analysis with actuals
  • Maintenance of budget at Ledger level or Ledger Cost Centre level
Cash Flow / Fund Flow Management

Cash Flow / Fund Flow Management

Liquidity plays a very important role in proper working of an organization. Keep a track on your past and upcoming cashflow to maintain liquidity.

  • Direct and Indirect Cash Flow Statements
  • Keep a track on Upcoming Vendor payment and Customer receipts for better Fund Management
  • Configure you recurring payments and receipts to get near to realistic Fund Flow
  • Track cash payment and receipts for statutory compliance and control
Working Capital Management

Working Capital Management

Working capital is what keeps the business running. Keep a track on them to ensure business operations are working properly.

  • Track Customer Receivables and Supplier Payables to better manage working capital. Easy identification of overdue payments and receipts
  • Track non-moving inventory to free funds for profitable and top selling items. Get list of customers whom you can sell the stock based on past sales history.
  • Customer with increasing payment days
  • Customers with over utilized credit limits